Genius Loci is much more than a QR code printed on a stainless steel medal. The heart of the platform consists of a management interface for each location, which is both flexible and very powerful.

Add a medal

To link a place to its medal, nothing could be simpler! Simply scan the QR code of a new medal (inactivated) and link it to the place of your choice. Or use the "My Places" administration interface to add your medal there. In this case, you will need to enter its serial number (it is written in small letters, below the QR code of your medal)

Link several medals to a location

Some important or relatively large places deserve more than a single medal. The number of medals that point to a location is absolutely unlimited. We could imagine the example of a cathedral located on an important square in the city. Each public bench in the square could receive its own medal which would point to a Genius Loci dedicated to the history of the cathedral. If we can link a medal to a place, we can also untie it. This scenario could prove useful, for example, if a place is visited very little (a few scans per year). In this case we could recover the medal located there, untie it and connect it to another place of interest. The key word of Genius Loci: flexibility.

Medals Genius Loci attached to a place
Medal positions Genius Loci

Position your medal on the map

A general map of all Genius Loci is currently in development. This will be an easy way to see at a glance where exactly the items are located. Genius Loci in the world. Of course we will not reveal the contents, they will be discovered on site by scanning the medal. It will be possible to precisely indicate the location of each medal if we wish its location to be publicly visible. Some places can of course remain hidden (private) in this case, just do not locate your medals. They will only be findable by people who already frequent the place.