It is previously specified that these conditions exclusively govern sales, by Genius Loci SA (Head office: Chemin de Grassiaz 1, 1112 Echichens, Switzerland) on the website If you purchased our products through them, their terms of sale apply. We take no responsibility for sales made through the intermediary.
The sales contract is subject to Swiss legislation. Orders can only be placed between Genius Loci SA and any non-trading natural person.
The prices of items ordered on the site are those in effect when the order is validated. Our product offer is valid within the limits of available stocks.
Any order constitutes acceptance of the prices and description of the products available for sale. Any dispute on this point will take place within the framework of a possible exchange and the guarantees mentioned below. Except in the case of a defective or damaged product, any operation occurring between Genius Loci SA and its customers, not contested within 14 days, cannot give rise to a complaint.
Only Customers who are adults, capable of discernment and who are not under curatorship can place an order via the Site.